Goth Shop of the Week: Afterlight Clothing

When I go out and about, you won’t see me wearing anything but a skirt or a dress. I love displaying my goth pride and looking good at the same time. But when I am at home alone, it’s a whole different story. I have no shame wearing my over-sized Nightmare Before Christmas shirt and beanie. Some of these shirts honestly need an upgrade. I’ve had them for as long as I can remember. Afterlight Clothing is a godsend. Check out these awesome tees.

Have you guys ever seen a Nightmare Before Christmas T Shirt like this? I love the design as Jack as a giant balloon. Who is the young girl holding the string? I think it looks like Sally!

The Cheshire cat on this goth Alice in Wonderland tee looks like he planted evil thoughts into Alice. He’s so satisfied with himself and mischievous! Alice looking like a murderous monster makes my day.

I am in love with this Victorian steampunk tee. This character is unique, but is clearly inspired by Tim Burton. What a beauty.

What a twist on a already dark fairy tale! The dark Little Red Riding Hood tee looks like they kill the huntsman! I think I like the thought of Little Red Riding hood having a pet wolf who accompanies her while traveling through the forest. Frankly, that makes more sense.

I think the print of the Victorian skeleton gentleman is really cool. I think the antique elements like the crow and spider really add to the design. Unfortunately, I just can’t get behind this badly bleached black tee. If that wasn’t the case, I would have had to stop myself from buying it!

This haunted house tee is another Tim Burton inspired illustration. The pumpkins look so sinister! I would definitely wear this during Halloween.

Since I feel like the crazy cat lady in the family, I really feel like I need this zombie cat tee. I always feel like my cats are out to kill me anyway, so the shirt is strangely fitting. It looks like it was drawn by Jhonen Vasquez. Absolutely love it.

The Death card usually signifies substantial change, but this Death tarot card tee puts a more literal edge on it. This grim reaper is out for blood and your soul will be his. Eventually at least.

These gothic tees by Afterlight Clothing on Etsy are just bad ass. The art style is so familiarly dreary and ghastly. I might even give my macabre look a break and just go out with one of these tees on. How do you guys feel about these? Comment below.

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