I Totally Need A Zoltar Speaks Shirt and You Might Too

Do you ever get really excited when you see a Zoltar machine hanging out in the most obscure places? I do! I always have to give it a try, I’ve made it a tradition. Some of my nieces and nephews are terrified of Zoltar. I warn them that Zoltar sees all and not to be afraid! I think it’s because they don’t like retro carnival themed things. I can’t blame them, because I find some of it quite disturbing too! To pay tribute to my favorite fortune teller, I really need to get one of these Zoltar Speaks shirts on Amazon. I just need help on which one I want! They’re both very cool.

I really enjoy the zodiac surrounding Zoltar on this Zoltar Speaks t-shirt. The whole design is a little ominous, but that’s what I really love about it. The machine itself is totally creepy and has a mystical air about it.

This Zoltar Speaks t-shirt is quite literally a picture of my beloved fortune telling machine. The colors used are incredibly eerie. It feels like Zoltar is really watching you as you go on and about your life

Can you help me make a decision? It’s a hard choice, because I enjoy both of these Zoltar Speaks shirts. The artistic rendition of Zoltar with the zodiac is gorgeous, but I am definitely on board with a more honest and classic t-shirt of Zoltar. What do you guys think? Comment below!

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