Misfit Leather Shop on eBay

My eBay explorations today led me to this cool shop, Misfit Leather. I personally have chosen not to wear or use any leather products, but everything here is so cool, I wanted to show it to you anyway.

(By the way, when I find and mention shops like this, I do it on my own – the stores don’t ask to be featured. I don’t know this person and have no reason to promote them other than this is an affiliate link. I just like their stuff a lot!)

Maybe it’s because I’m currently reading The Night Circus (and this is the wrong color to go with the theme) but I am so in awe of this leather circus top hat.

They also make a Jack the Ripper top hat custom to your size specifications.

Check out this gorgeous Cthulhu’s Minion mask!

Visit Misfit Leather to see their other leather accessories, including arm bands, masks, wrist guards, and harnesses.

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